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BlastRADIUS Carrier Package

BlastRADIUS Carrier Package

Regular price $23,499.00 USD
Regular price $24,999.00 USD Sale price $23,499.00 USD
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Telcos and carriers have unique requirements, greater sensitivity, and large customer-driven urgency.  In this package, we will provide documentation, verification tools, and twelve (12) months of technical support. We will also provide four (4) video conferencing sessions of up to three (3) hours in length with our engineers.

The sessions with our engineers can also be used to advocate on your behalf with technology vendors.  The fixes needed for the BlastRADIUS issue are new, networks are complex, and there may be corner cases that the vendors have been unable to test.

If you have issues with vendor behaviour as a result of BlastRADIUS, we can join a call with you and the vendor to clarify any issues. We will also work with the vendors to test and verify any fixes, including updating the RADIUS standards to address issues which we may find.

  • BlastRADIUS Guide (PDF)
  • BlastRADIUS worksheet (Excel)
  • BlastRADIUS verification tool (Windows, OSX, or Linux), with associated files and documentation.
  • Unlimited license to use multiple copies of the tool across your entire organization
  • 12 months business hour support (email only).  Limited to 30 tickets.
  • 12 months access to updates to the documentation and tool.
  • up to 4 x three hour video conferencing sessions with our team

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